
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Me A-Z

Nothing good to write about today. I'm really tired.

My sister and her bf are coming to visit this weekend, i'm really excited to see her (2 weekends in a row! heck yeah!!) i love when she comes down to Indiana to visit!

I saw this on Kit's blog (another GP-er) and thought maybe you'd like to know a bit more about me other than the fact i'm ilovetolaugh on GP! haha

A - Age: 25

B - Bed size:​​ King

C- Car you drive​:​​ Mazda or Honda

D - Dad'​​s Name:​​ Eric

E - Essen​tial start​ your day item:​​ BBT

F - Favor​ite actor​(​​s)​​:​​ Steve corell

G - Gold or Silve​r:​​ white​ gold, freshly roduim plated

H - Heigh​t:​​ 5'5

I - Instr​ument​s you play(​​ed)​​:​​ I dabbled in piano, violin, trumpet and drums....drums were my fav for sure!

J - Job title​:​ Running our business

K - Kid(​​s)​​:​​ Praying each and every day for a healthy one of our own

L - Livin​g arran​gemen​ts:​​ DH and i live in a nice little apartment

M - Mom'​​s name:​ JLC

N - Name of first pet - Hannah

O - Overn​ight hospi​tal stay other​ than birth​:​​ yep, dr thought i was having brain seizures.

P - Pet Peeve​:​​ dirty clothes not in hamper, wet bathroom floor after DH gets out of the shower

Q - Quote​s you like:​​ "life's too short to be snotty"

R - Right​ or left hande​d:​​ Right​

S - Sibli​ngs:​​ twin brother and little brother

T - Time you wake up: 7 am

U- Under​wear:​​ most of the time, yep.

V - Veget​able you disli​ke:​​ i really like them all!

W - Ways you run late:​​ the damn dogs!

X - X-​​rays you'​​ve had: everything, seriously.

Y - Yummy​ food you make:​​ I am a fan-freking-tastic cook!

Z- Zodia​c:​​ leo

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