here's the chart...please note the last three (and highest) temps...
now, what fertility friend is telling me about my pretty chart at the moment is: (copied right from
"A triphasic chart shows three levels of temperatures: pre-ovulation, post-ovulation, and then a second rise around 7-10 days after ovulation. Some women with charts that show this pattern turn out to be pregnant. But many do not. Likewise, your chart does not need to show this kind of pattern for you to be pregnant. Whether or not you are pregnant, progesterone, the hormone responsible for raising your temperature after ovulation, generally peaks in the middle of your luteal phase and this can cause this kind of pattern whether or not you are pregnant.
A triphasic chart can be promising, however, because progesterone levels generally increase after implantation (7-10 days past ovulation) in conception cycles, and sometimes this results in a triphasic pattern. If your chart shows a second significant thermal shift that begins 7-10 days past ovulation, Fertility Friend will indicate a triphasic pattern in the Pregnancy Monitor. A triphasic chart, however, is not a definite sign that you are or are not pregnant. It is just increasing your probability if you also have well-timed intercourse. Likewise, you can be pregnant and not have a triphasic pattern. Like all signs of possible implantation or pregnancy, you can really only speculate about it once a pregnancy has already been confirmed."
The results show that the triphasic pattern indeed occurs more frequently on pregnancy charts. Especially interesting are the following results:
The magnitude of the difference is quite significant. This pattern is 179% more frequent on pregnancy charts.
The moment in the cycle at which this pattern is the most likely to occur is nine days past ovulation. This is within the window of the most likely time for implantation. (Wilcox, A. J., D. D. Baird, et al.1999).
Although the pattern occurs with greater frequency on pregnancy charts, most pregnancy charts do not show this pattern. While it is a good sign when you are hoping for pregnancy, you do not need this pattern to be pregnant.
Seeing this pattern does not guarantee or confirm pregnancy. While the probability of pregnancy is increased significantly when you see this pattern, it also occurs on non-pregnant charts and so cannot confirm pregnancy before a pregnancy test can be reliably taken.
TCOYF says this about the triphasic chart: "if you notice a 3rd level of temps beyond the typical biphasic pattern that you experience every cycle, you are almost certently pregnant. This third level of high temps is thought to be due to extra progesterone circulating in pregnant woman..."
Anyways, I am going to keep my fingers crossed....I did take a pg test this morning, but it was negative. Its still very early....but I'm very excited!!!
And a shout out to my bfpb Hopefull11....she's ktfu!!
Hi, I was just wondering what TCOYF stood for? I have a very triphasic chart at the moment, and wanted to check the source.
TCOYF = the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility".